Ten Questions to Answer before building an AD Plant in the UK – NGB | New Generation Biogas

Despite anticipated tariff degradations (DECC), there are still strong commercial opportunities for UK farmers and land owners within the UK compact (sub 250kW) Anaerobic Digestion (AD) sector.

Compact AD has advanced significantly in the past few years – both from a biotech and industrialisation perspective – and there are now efficient and reliable modular technologies (such as NGB) and plants that are well suited to the UK landscape and farming sector.

But with increasing planning hurdles and lower government incentives, managing your AD plant project for operational and commercial success needs close attention.

Ten questions you need to answer before progressing:

  1. What is AD?
  2. Is my farm suitable to run an AD plant?
  3. What are the key requirements to check my farm’s suitability?
  4. What different types of plant tech are there?
  5. How much will a plant cost to build and how long will it take?
  6. What permissions do I need before I start building?
  7. Will I still get subsidies and how do I apply for them?
  8. Is finance available to fund the build – or other options?
  9. What are the resources and costs needed to run a plant each year?
  10. What are the most common mistakes and best tips to avoid them?

At this year’s ADBA Exhibition on 6 and 7 July, NGB and Clean Energies Investor will be running a series of farmer clinics on the “10 steps to commercial AD success”.  The NGB / Clean Energies Investor clinics will be held on both days on Stand No. G301 and attendance is by pre-registration.